Benny's offers a wide range of D-I-Y Purim arts and craft project ideas, including craft Graggers for preschool, Purim sand art for Kindergarten, Purim felt art, Purim shalach manos (mishloach manot) containers for Jewish early childhood , many different Purim foam activities for Religious school, and more. Find also items like Purim stencils, Purim stickers for Hebrew school, Purim place-mats, Purim stained glass projects, and Purim Mosaics. As always we offer many different Grogger craft projects, including many that are made of wood. As always we offer Purim staples as plastic graggers, tin groggers, Israeli style Purim graggers, wood Purim noisemakers, Bazooka bubble gum, and Purim party novelties at bulk quantity discounts for synagogues, Temples, Jewish centers and organizations. We are also ready for all your Passover needs, including Passover arts and crafts for kids and Passover Seder supplies!